Wilderness Living Courses 

reset in nature

learn knowledge

gain experience 

develop wisdom

be empowered to adventure!

JOSIAH BUCKNER is a co-founder of Kingdom Outdoors (KO). Josiah has always had a passion for the outdoors. He is an accomplished hunter and has spent countless hours learning various wilderness survival skills. Along with Josiah's personal experience and knowledge in woodsmenship and survival skills he as also sought out formal training in bushcraft and primitive survival skills to include attending a 45 day course with SIGMA 3 survival school where he was trained as a survival instructor. Josiah’s Law Enforcement background combined with his 16 years of Military service, including multiple overseas deployments, have provided him with extensive training and experience in a variety of areas. He has hands on experience in Emergency Planning and Response, Surveillance operations, Interview and Interrogation, Active Shooter Response, and ECAC, the U.S. Air Force Level B Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (SERE) School. He is all about empowering others to go beyond their limits, as head instructor for our survival program he looks forward to  developing opportunities to share his knowledge and experience with you!

This Course is family friendly and there is no prior experience needed to attend. Anyone 10 and up is welcome to attend this course (children under 18 must be accompanied guardian). The course is three days and two nights. It is a great opportunity to spend some time in the outdoors, meet new people, and grow in your knowledge of survival skills and techniques.


Every Day Carry items that might just save your life.

primitive and modern survival shelter set ups

primitive and modern ways to make fire

primitive and modern water procurement

modern and primitive traps and snares

Another family friendly course. No prior experience is needed to attend. Anyone 10 and up is welcome to attend this course (children under 18 must be accompanied guardian). The course is 4 days and 3 nights. We will cover all of the topics in our basic course and MUCH more.


Every Day Carry items that might just save your life.

Build a variety of short and long term survival shelters

primitive and modern ways to make fire

primitive and modern water procurement

various ways to procure food along with butchering/processing and preparing for consumption. 

Primitive Cordage 

Learn to make cordage from a variety of primitive materials. 


Learn to make a variety of containers, chairs, and tools for long term survival/wilderness living situations. 

"Knowledge of reality starts from experience..."
"... It's the application of knowledge that leads to wisdom"

Albert Einstein